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Sustainability is a complex concept. What is sustainability? And what does it mean to have a sustainable economy?


At the Sustainable Economies Alliance, we are working to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into our local economy. This is achieved by identifying and building alliances with companies and organizations that are addressing one or more of the ESG principles in our region, and working with them to provide education to the community on their respective areas of expertise.


By doing so, we are creating an economy that will work for everyone, including all of the people of our community, our planet, and our future generations. 



"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." 


Arundhati Roy

Our Mission

The mission of the Sustainable Economies Alliance is to raise community awareness regarding economic sustainability and empowerment

Our Mission

Our Vision


CREATE the Alliance of individuals and organizations that represent the Sustainable Financial System of the community


CONNECT members of our community with the information they need to make sustainably minded financial decisions


ADVOCATE for policies, procedures and legislation to support sustainable finance


We Need Your Support Today!

Our Model

SEA is removing the two main barriers that prevent people from making sustainably minded financial decisions; access to information and cost. This is solved through a group education model. 


By compensating educators for participating in a  group education session, rather than the typical one on one meeting, their message is being heard by more people in the community. 


The educational programming is funded on a fee for service basis by employers and sponsoring organizations, as well as on a grant funded basis. 

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